Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Criminal Law - Essay Example For instance, false imprisonment may occur when an armed gang takes control of a bank or any other institution and orders everyone in the building to a certain room and locks them up without their will or consent. Kidnapping is a crime where a person transported from one place to another without his or her will, or confining a person to an isolated place by the use of force. The difference between false imprisonment and kidnapping is that in false imprisonment is the use of force and threat is practiced, though force and threat are elements of kidnapping it is far from kidnapping (Senjo, 2011). Kidnapping is a situation where an individual is restraint by circumstances that he or she will be exposed to serious body harm if the victim does not give in to the demands of the perpetrator. In false imprisonment, the victims are not transported to another location while in kidnapping the victim is transported. False arrest is a situation where a law enforcement officer without his or her legal consent detains a person. but in a case where a law enforcement officer makes an arrest to probable cause and shows that his or her action were supported by a probable cause then the law enforcement officer will bear no

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Counterculture Analysis: Neo National Socialists

Counterculture Analysis: Neo National Socialists James Blackburn The group chosen for this assignment would be the Neo-National Socialists (Neo-Nazis), modern culture that fits well within the definition of a counterculture. A counterculture is a subculture that rejects the major values of the larger society and replaces them with a new set of cultural patterns (Thomas 39). An obvious trait of these modernized National Socialists, is that they indulge themselves with the idea of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is viewed as a negative value in most of society, yet Neo-Nazis embrace this horrific hatred against the Jewish population and their culture (Southern Poverty Law Center). Evidence also leads to the conclusion that Neo-Nazis were not only anti-Semites but are very homophobic as well. Members of the Hogar Social Madrid had spit out homophobic slangs at a gay couple. This couple made out in front of the neo Nazis as a protest against them. The neo Nazi group was apparently protesting against taking in refugees near Plaza del Dos de Mayo in Malasa à ±a (Wong). The term Nazi comes from the rising Soviet propaganda during WWII when Hitler decided to invade Russia. Nà ¡tional Sozà ­alistische Deutsche Arbeiter partei, Hitlers party name just in Deutch. The Russians wanted to name Hitler as not a true socialist so they would mock him with the term of Nazi. If a person named the National Socialist party as the Nazi party, they would have been killed. The Russians pulled out the stressed syllables of their party and create the propaganda term of Nazi (Passyn). Going towards the ideology of the party, Hitler viewed his party as being Left-Wing instead of Right-Wing but media has showcased his ideology as Right-wing. In the pre-revolutionary France during the National Assemblies, the reactionaries sat on the right and the revolutionaries sat on the left. The Nazis viewed themselves as revolutionaries according to Mr. Hanson. The Nazis wanted the downfall of the Old Order and reestablish a new system of government; this seems appropriate because the Nazis had already deemed the government as unfit to govern and tried to overthrow the government during the Beer Hall Putsch which failed on a large scale. On top of this, Germany was basically on its hands and knees in terms of economics, nationalism and power after the horrific defeat in WWI (Hanson). As a view from the Right-Wing, Mr. Klein states that there was actually no true socialism within the National Socialist party. He claims that Hitler outlawed Socialism and executed communists and socialists which are considered Left-Wing. Evidence shows that in 1933, a concentration camp called Dachau held leftist and socialists exclusively. Furthermore, Nazis had arrested more than 11,000 Germans for illegal socialist activity in 1936 (Klein). So if it was illegal to have true socialist or communist ideas, would that make the Nazi party lean more towards the Right-Wing in our understanding of contemporary politics? An American leader of the neo-Nazis would be Richard Spencer, th ough he hides behind the name of the alt-right or old-right in German. Spencer and his party are considered to be white nationalists and supporters of anti-Semitism (Kestenbaum). Sociological perspective can be defined as looking through the commonly held beliefs to the hidden meanings of human actions (Thomas 4). A clear example this would affect American politics would be the relationship between the neo-Nazis and Donald Trump. For most societies, they will demonize neo Nazis their new ideology of the old national socialism. However, if the majority of the public hates Nazism but a big political figure has hints of supporting it, would that make neo-Nazis feel more comfortable sharing their ideology with the public? Now not all trump supporters are neo-Nazis however, he has earned some supports of them. There was a name at a trump rally who was yelling out Jew-S-A at the press pen in Phoenix. Joyce states that trump has attracted a sometimes strongly anti-Semitic following which has not been a big issue within the 21st century (Joyce). The term sociological imagination is the ability to connect an individuals life with the larger world (Thomas 5). A neo-Naz i site called the Daily Stormer stated to vote for a man who actually represents our interests. Andrew Angiln, the head of the Daily Stormer endorsed Trump and had enthusiastically supported his campaign. The site also regularly defends Hitlers actions and ideology of National Socialism (Hananoki). With this information, there is an understanding of how the individual feels of a neo-Nazi. Because of a rise in a political leader that has a better fit of their ideology has finally risen, they feel comfortable facing the norms of society and fight against them. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to view ones own culture and group to be superior than other cultures or groups (Thomas 35). Just as the original National Socialists found that the Jews were inferior, the neo-Nazis would find their hearts and minds to be in the same place. Mr. Passyn would explain that the old stereo type of the Jews would be that they are manipulative. This old stereo type can be seen within the Alt-Right or neo-Nazis. The neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer publishes an image of Auschwitz with a yellow Star of David and the word Jude as invite to march in Whitefish, Montana. This is the home of a white supremacist named Richard Spencer. This site announced that there will be an armed march by white supremacists in Montana where there is a large Jewish community. The primary goal of this march was just to harass the Jewish population and displace a cultural dominance upon the Jews. Anglin, the head of the neo-Nazi site sated that they could easily march around the Jewish comm unity with powerful guns due to the towns low gun regulations (Haaretz and JTA). The belief of judging cultures based on their culture rather than the individuals cultural is called cultural relativism (Thomas 36). Since there is very little difference between both ideologies of the National Socialists and neo-Nazi party, evidence of the ideology of the National Socialists party to help justify the Neo-Nazi actions. Going towards the notion or the ideal race, Nazis wanted full power for only the Arian race, which was being white with blond hair and blue eyes. In Mein Kampf, Hitler explains how the life was the struggle between races for living space and how he would move to the West of Europe and conquer the Slavs for German interests. Then lastly, he believed that the Jews were nothing but the devils of hell and the Arian race, the pure-race would grow due to the deaths of the impure-races (Hitler). Though the Neo-Nazis supported Hitlers ideology, they would focus on just the white race rather than get into the nitty gritty of having blond hair and blue eyes (Di ffrence Between). I heavily disagree with my counterculture and how they act towards other societies. They are nothing but barbarians who cry because most subcultures believe in racial inequality. Even though neo-Nazis are part of the story of racial discrimination, they most likely agree with other white supremacists outside of their counterculture. To put sociological imagination to the test for myself, I would say the best reason why neo-Nazis are so hostile towards the Jews, homosexuals, gays, and other races or anything that is out of their norm, they once saw white power in their history and or just by their family. To explain more, what I mean is that the white man could do whatever he wanted with the black or other races if they had total power and laws were in their favor. Like in Uncle Toms Cabin, it pointed out the horrors of a white racist man beating and brutalizing a black man just because he had power. And depending on the type of social environment the individual grew up with in, their parents might have had racist or homophobic ideals and they just happened to grow up like their parents. References Diffrence Between. Difference Between Nazi and Neo-Nazi. n.d. 11 March 2017. Haaretz and JTA. Neo-Nazi Calls for Armed White Supremacists to March Against Montana Jews. 26 December 2016. 11 March 2017. Hananoki, Eric. UPDATED: The Complete History Of Donald Trumps Relationship With The White Nationalist Movement. 16 November 2016. 11 March 2017. Hanson, Bradord. National Socialism A Left-Wing Movement. 6 October 2016. 11 March 2017. Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf. Boston: Ralph Manheim, 1971. Joyce, Andrew. The man who shouted Jew-S-A at a Trump rally is now blaming Mexicans for his anti-Semitism. 31 October 2016. 9 March 2017. Kestenbaum, Sam. Alt-Right Leader Slams Rabbis and Mocks Righteous Gentiles as Neo-Nazis Plan Montana March. December 27 2016. 10 March 2017 . Klein, David. Hitler, Nazis, Socialism, and Rightwing Propaganda. January 2011. 11 March 2017. Passyn, Andrew. National Socialism James Blackburn. 10 March 2017 . Southern Poverty Law Center. Neo-Nazi. n.d. 5 March 2017. Thomas, W. LaVerne. Sociology the Study of Human Relationships. Auston: Holt,Rienheart and Winstion, 2003. Textbook. Wong, Curtis M. Gay Couple Stands Up To Neo-Nazi, Homophobic Mob With A Kiss. 24 May 2016. 9 March 2017. Does Culture Influence the Marketing Strategies of MNCs? Does Culture Influence the Marketing Strategies of MNCs?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Personal Information in a modern, Digital Age :: Internet Privacy Essays

Personal Information in a Modern, Digital Age In the past when you wanted to purchase goods you could go to the store, pick up your items, pay and leave. While these activities are still possible, more and more today we find ourselves pressured to get â€Å"savers cards.† Modern businesses, like never before, track who you are and what you are burying in an effort to be able to better serve you and become more efficient. While great for the companies implementing these policies, what does it mean for your privacy, and your wallet? Now more than ever our lives are electronically based. People can access their banking information over the Internet, setup all kinds of funds transfers, as well as purchase and sell items. Our consumer lives are being tracked, and that information sold to other businesses. Business communicate and sell their consumer lists with each other. Data is one of the most important corporate assets of companies, governments and research institutions. It is now possible to have fast access, to correlate information stored in independent and distant databases, to analyse and visualise data on-line and use data mining tools for automatic and semi-automatic exploration and pattern discovery. (acs) This opens the door for a new kind of scam for a new age, identity theft. If someone were able to pass themselves off as you, they could effectively become you, for the purposes of getting credit, making large purchases, or even committing crimes. After collecting this data it is entered into what is called a data warehouse. Companies and governments store all of their accumulated in their data warehouses. Data warehousing is defined as A collection of data designed to support management decision making. Data warehouses contain a wide variety of data that present a coherent picture of business conditions at a single point in time. Development of a data warehouse includes development of systems to extract data from operating systems plus installation of a warehouse database system that provides managers flexible access to the data. The term data warehousing generally refers to the combination of many different databases across an entire enterprise. (webopidia) Today businesses accumulate all the data they can gather into a data warehouse, from which they can do data mining. This means that when you go to the grocery store and use your saver card, to get the tiny percent off, that store tracks what you buy and enters it into their data warehouse.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My first day in an English speaking school Essay

I thought back, to everything, everything that had happened and where it all had started. Here, it had started here. Memories flooded back, memories of people, memories of places, memories of†¦ of everything. With one last look around I took a deep breath and boarded the aeroplane, I was ready. I arrived the day before the start of the second semester. Though my things had arrived almost a week before, but I had been content living out of a suitcase if it meant I could spend more time at home. I sighed and looked around; they had tried to make the room nice, though from what I was feeling, all I wanted was my bed, in my flat, in my country. Looking around once more, I saw framed pictures of words- English, of course- I could not really read them. I felt betrayed, like someone had mocking me by putting them there. I was crying, I couldn’t stop; everything felt like it was cracking, falling apart at the seams. I had never felt so alone; I wasn’t close to anyone, not to my dad, step mom, brother, I didn’t feel I would ever be close to anyone. I fell to sleep feeling hopeless, alone, and desperate. Almost an hour later, someone was knocking on my door, calling my name. The voice was soft and American, blending the syllables of my name; I was being called to dinner. When I arrived downstairs, I found the food prepared was not too different from that of my home, I was at least a bit comforted because of that. While having dinner, my step mother and brother tried to converse with me, because I had prided myself in knowing a bit of English. I soon found out this was not the case, when they would speak, it was slurred and natural; when I spoke, it was halted and awkward. My accent impeded some of pronunciation, I sounded like an infant. While the conversation was stilted, I felt at least a bit more at home. Before sleeping, my father informed me that I would be attending American school; I would have a translator until I could speak with more fluency. When I arrived at the school, my father couldn’t accompany me into it, so I had to try to find my way to the office, explain myself, and make homeroom before the bell; needless to say, I was a bit worried. I found the office after using a translating app on my phone. In order to make the women in the office understand me, I had to once again use my translating app, after understanding my situation; they called my translator, who I learned was  called Mary. When Mary and I had finally met, I felt a great relief at having someone to talk to, while Mary was still very American, it was nice to have a person who spoke French around. My first class was ironically English; I went in late because they had wanted to check that I could understand a bit of English, seeing as my first period was English. When I arrived in the class, the teacher asked me to introduce myself, before I had even reached my seat; not realising she was talking to me, I ignored her until Mary told me what she saying. I turned around and quietly tried to stammer out my name. The teacher didn’t understand why I wouldn’t speak up. When Mary explained my situation, the teacher understood and tried to apologise. I was so embarrassed and tired at that point, I didn’t even care, I just took my seat and tried to understand what was going on. Second period was at least a little bit better; I had maths, so I could actually understand what the teacher was saying (for the most part). Third period was different, because I had never had American history. Because I had come into the class in the middle of the year, I had to try to catch up to the rest of the class. In her between discussions of the twenties, the teacher would have to pause because Mary would have to translate for me. This whole process made the class seem very long, and tedious, and the teacher was annoyed by the end. At the very end of the class, the teacher came over to talk to me. I was very surprised when she started speaking French, even more so when she explained to me that she had grown up in France and was therefore fluent. She proceeded to tell me that in order to accommodate for my English as a second language, she would print out her lectures in both French and English. I was delighted, seeing as none of the other teachers had offered to accommodate for my situation. I went to my next class feeling much happier. Entering my next class, I found that it was actually a French class I had been signed up for. French was the highlight of my day, I could understand what the teacher was saying (even if she butchered the pronunciation), the people tried to talk to me, and I didn’t feel completely isolated. After French was lunch, in France we had assigned lunch tables, and when I turned to ask Mary where to sit, I found she had already taken her lunch break. When I entered the cafà ©, I found that people had already saved seats for me; I had the pick of the cafà ©. I finally sat with some people I recognised from French class; almost immediately they started  asking me where I was from, and why I not speak English. When I had settled in and tried to comprehend what they were saying, I tried to answer in English. When I finally figured out what I would say, I stammered out something like this, â€Å"France, en Paris, where I live.† Everyone thought it was just brilliant that I had an accent, and proceeded to try to imitate it. I was a bit overwhelmed, as it was a lot to take in; people were just talking away in English, while I was just there, smiling and nodding. When you don’t understand the language, everything gets very confusing, very fast. By the end of lunch, I had started to come to terms with using English instead of French, though I was still not completely comfortable. When lunch was over, I had to head to another building where my orchestra class was to be held. When I got there, I found that I was in a senior orchestra class, which I thought meant it would be simple and easy for me. I was surprised to learn that, there was no one my age, and that I was the youngest in the class. Ironically enough, the first song we would be playing was Offenbach’s Chanson de Fortunio, a very French piece to play. I learned later, the teacher had apparently picked it for me, because both it and I were French. After hearing me play just the Offenbach, the teacher had me moved to first chair, the best place to play cello. Orchestra was by far the best class for me, that day. After my double period of orchestra, I had natural science; science was a fine class to end the day with, because for me the Latin terminology and â€Å"learning† the metre system was a breeze. Science moved into an x period, for studying, or in my case, ESL help. All ESL help was, was help with English fluency. After the x period, it was time to go home. All in all, my first day at an English speaking school was not as bad as I expected.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sap with Body Shop

SAP is the world’s leading provider of business software solutions. SAP ® solutions are designed to meet the demands of companies of all sizes. mySAPâ„ ¢ Business Suite solutions are helping enterprises around the world improve customer relationships, enhance partner collaboration and create efficiencies across their supply chains and business operations. The Body Shop is unifying its worldwide operations on SAP ® enterprise software, deploying the SAP for Retail industry solution across its headquarters, regional offices, warehouses and more than 2,000 wholly-owned and franchise outlets worldwide.The Body Shop, an SAP customer since 1999, chose SAP’s integrated retail enterprise applications to harmonize business processes across its global network, creating a strong yet adaptive foundation for business growth with the SAP NetWeaverâ„ ¢ technology platform. The worldwide rollout, being implemented with support from IT service provider Diagonal Consulting, is part of the retailer’s three-year strategic plan to achieve enterprisewide consistency in forecasting, ordering, allocation and distribution processes.Replacing a number of legacy systems, SAP’s suite of core enterprise applications and specialized software for retailers will cover end-to-end business processes from headquarters down to the store level, powering the company’s financial processes, warehouse and supply chain management, new product development and point-of-sale (POS) operations. Jon Granville, the global head of IT of The Body Shop said, â€Å"We chose SAP for its retail expertise, global reach and solution scope.Our global SAP rollout is not an IT initiative, but a business initiative that will help us improve our key processes that drive competitive advantage at each local outlet. SAP for Retail will help us provide targeted support throughout our sales and distribution network and, ultimately, deliver better service to our customers. † H P with body shop The Body Shop has named HP as its preferred global infrastructure partner to migrate its existing disparate legacy systems to a complete, standards-based HP infrastructure solution.With operations in 52 countries and more than 2,000 stores, The Body Shop has experienced rapid and extensive global growth in recent years. It is estimated that The Body Shop sells a product every 0. 4 seconds, coming to more than 77 million customer transactions annually throughout stores worldwide. HP is delivering a standardised information technology architecture across the firm's global operations, reducing the overall total cost of ownership of IT and providing higher system performance and room for future growth.The consolidated infrastructure will cut management time and cost, ease load balancing, improve system and space utilisation, and optimise the return on investment of The Body Shop's new global enterprise resource planning implementation. The Body Shop's IT vision takes a ‘One World, One Way' approach to its global infrastructure. HP embraced this vision and is helping the company design, build, integrate, manage and evolve into an Adaptive Enterprise ‘ one that will be able to easily adapt to change to meet the needs of its growing business, while ensuring operational readiness and protecting its critical business processes. HP is proving to be a perfect partner,' said Jon Granville, global head of IT, The Body Shop. ‘HP understands the retail sector and our requirements and this allows us to work together on a total global infrastructure solution to achieve our IT vision and so meet the needs of the business.This is a significantly different approach to the other competitive offerings we evaluated, and will ultimately provide us with the means to ensure better visibility of consumer data, streamlined operation of our supply chains and better integration of our processes right across our global businesses. About body shop’s web Body shop has an amazing website. You almost can find everything you want to know on the website such as what ingredients in each product. They separate the categories in a clearly way, for example: they have best seller; make-up; bath and body; hair; fragrance ect. When you click into some products you are interest, you can find out how it works and what the other customer’s view and some suggestion. There are 29 languages on body shop’s web, so Japanese don’t need to worry if they can’t understand English.Also they publish a lot of promotions on the web, such as what is on sale and that gift box they are selling at moment. The web nearly record everything happened in body shop. For example, Body shop sent their employees to the suppliers and report what they find on the internet. The Last report online is about a man called peter, he went to Africa to know how they make Shea butter, he even try to make it by himself and he write about how it feel af ter he used the Shea butter. His report and photos; videos just make us trust body shop more.It’s a special way to make customers to believe how good body shop’s products are. One more amazing thing to me on the web. They have a ‘The Body Shop skin care regime guide’, it’s a questionnaire to help you to know what type skin you are, and after your finish the test, they will give you suggestion about the skin care product and eye care product, they even divide the products into morning and night. It’s really easy and convenient for the first body shop user; it’s also a good tool to help you save the money, because you only need to buy the right products for yourself.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Comparison of IVF Laws in Italy and Australia essays

Comparison of IVF Laws in Italy and Australia essays Comparison between In-Vitro Fertilisation Laws and beliefs in Italy and Australia Having a child is one of the most important decisions that a woman can make in her life. Equally, it is a decision that every woman has a right to be able to make without restrictions. Prior to the development of fertility assistance and treatment, childbirth was a decision that nature controlled, if a woman was unable to conceive then there were little or no opportunities for her to become a biological mother. Today, scientific advances in this area are able to give all women the opportunity, if not the hope, of becoming a mother in their own right. However, this decision has somewhat veered away from the choice of the woman and is tied to legal implications set out by the State, which seems not to help women so much, but to make it more difficult for all women to have access to something that is their right. Italy and Australia are two such countries with the capabilities to help women and yet both are adamant in their choices to restrict access to this technology and only grant it to people whom they deem to be appropriate. A comparison of the In-Vitro Fertilisation laws in Italy and Australia, and specifically the state of Victoria, will be conducted in the following pages to help shed some light on the hindrances that some women encounter when facing the decision of motherhood. In-Vitro Fertilisation laws in Italy are some of the most restrictive in Europe, defining rules for eligibility on the marital status and sexual preference of women, the availability of sperm use and the number of embryos implanted, to name a few. Being a Catholic country, the introduction of In-Vitro Fertilisation laws in Italy created a problematic situation for both the church and the State, as they are still quite intricately tied to one another. Traditionally, the church is contrary to any means of fertility treatment as it seems to go against the flow of nat...

Monday, October 21, 2019

pinochet essays

pinochet essays "It was a day in spring , December 20,1973 at about 4:30 pm , that I heard several knocks on the door of my house , which sounded unfamiliar and threatening. My brother had just returned home from his work in the textile industry and had gone to our common bedroom to lie down for his usual short afternoon nap. I went to answer the door and encountered three men with a very cold attitude. One of them asked me in a dry voice ; Does Pedro Rojas live "Before answering, an infinity of urgent thoughts passed through my adolescent 16-year old brain. I knew that my brother had been a memmber or a political organization of young people who supported the party of the recently overthrown government and that in our neighborhood many of his friends had been detained. For this reason I went through an internal struggle whether to give the government agent an affirmative answer as to the whereabouts of my brother......and for twenty-five years now, I have been living with the regret of having done so. If I had denied my brother's presence that day , it might have given him a tiny chance of It all started when Salvador Allende Gossens was elected as president of Chile in 1970 Allende then nationalized many industries , including the copper mines , in which U.S. business had a lot of money invested in. Doing this cause economical problems and then aggravated by strikes. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency saw this to be the perfect time for a military coup. This is where the government is overthrown. As a result of this military coup Allende was eliminated on September 11, 1973. his successors declared that he had committed suicide,while his supporters claimed that he was murdered . At the time Pinochet was the military general ,so when the military coup happe ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Create a Genealogy GEDCOM File

Create a Genealogy GEDCOM File Whether youre using a stand-alone genealogy software program or an online family tree service, there are several reasons that you might want to create, or export, your file in GEDCOM format. GEDCOM files are the standard format used for sharing family tree information between programs, so are often necessary for sharing your family tree file with friends or family members, or for moving your information to a new software or service. They can be especially useful, for example, for sharing family tree information with ancestral DNA services which allow you to upload a GEDCOM file in order to help matches determine their potential common ancestor(s). Create a GEDCOM These instructions will work for most family tree software programs. See your programs help file for more specific instructions. Launch your family tree program and open your genealogy file.In the top-left hand corner of your screen, click the File menu.Select either Export or Save As...Change the Save as Type or Destination drop-down box to GEDCOM or .GED.Select the location where youd like to save your file (make sure its one you can easily remember).Enter a filename such as powellfamilytree (the program will automatically add the .ged extension).Click Save or Export.Some type of confirmation box will appear stating that your export has succeeded.Click OK.If your genealogy software program does not have the ability to protect the privacy of living individuals, then use a GEDCOM privatizing/cleaning program to filter the details of living people from your original GEDCOM file.Your file is now ready to share with others. Export From GEDCOM files can also be exported from online ancestry member trees that you own or have shared editor access to: Log in to your account.Click on the Trees tab at the top of the page, and select the family tree you would like to export.Click on the name of your tree in the upper-left corner and then select View Tree Settings from the drop-down menu.On the Tree Info tab (the first tab),  select Export Tree button under the Manage Your Tree section (bottom right).Your GEDCOM file will then be generated which may take a few minutes. Once the process is complete, click on the Download your GEDCOM file button to download the GEDCOM file to your computer. Export From MyHeritage GEDCOM files of your family tree can also be exported from your MyHeritage family site: Log into your MyHeritage family site.Hover your mouse cursor over the Family Tree tab to bring up a drop-down menu, and then select Manage Trees.From your the list of family trees that appears, click on Export to GEDCOM under the Actions section of the tree you would like to export.  Choose whether or not to include photos in your GEDCOM and then click on the Begin the Export button.A GEDCOM file will be created and a link to it sent your email address. Export From Genealogy GEDCOM files can also be exported from, either of your entire family tree or for a specific profile or group of people: Log into on the Family tab and then click the Share Your Tree  link.Select the GEDCOM export option.On the next page, select from the following options which export only the selected profile person plus the individuals in the group you have selected: Blood Relatives, Ancestors, Descendants, or Forest (which includes connected in-law trees and may take up to several days to complete).A GEDCOM file will be generated and sent to your email. Dont worry! When you create a genealogy GEDCOM file, the software or program creates a brand new file from the information contained in your family tree. Your original family tree file remains intact and unaltered.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Verbal Communication Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Verbal Communication Skills - Essay Example Words are imitative of sounds. Use of words alone has no meaning because it the people who supply meaning to constituent words. When meaning is assigned to words, there is the development of language which later develops the process of speaking (Williamson 2008, 1). Language develops from the act of working together or doing things together in a socialization circle which leads to coining meaning to words. In every communication we get involved, we need to have nonviolent communication where we use our words in a polite manner so as not to hurt our listeners or cause pain to them. If there is the use of hard languages or vocabularies, communication breakdown is experienced (Rosenberg 2003). In communication, the interlocutor needs to choose words effectively because one does not need to hurt the listener in anyway. It is important to avoid impolite language which may triggers bad feelings because this leads to communication breakdown. In communication one assumes that his or her lang uage and content is understood by the other party by ensuring our needs are felt by the other party in the conversation (Rosenberg 2003) Theory of mind During face to face to communication, it is imperative to apply the theory of mind whereby we use our ability as interlocutors to infer the listener’s mental states. We need to consider their thoughts, desires, beliefs, intentions among others. It is also the ability to interpret what people say to us. In that aspect, we are able to predict their next actions which help us to know of their behaviors. For efficient verbal communication, theory of mind needs to be applied wholesomely so as to acquire the best results in the communication process. This theory helps people to engage in a conversation without any need to explain every bit of their communication in the process (Williamson 2008, 1). Cognitive dissonance theory Cognitive dissonance is derived from the discomfort we experience psychologically when there is something th at is not clear in our lives or conversation. During the communication process, people avoid things that can irritate them or make their information inferior. They avoid talking things that can hurt their listeners because they want to apply ethics their communication (Rosenberg 2003). We ought to give peace by our talks so that we enhance a relationship that mutual benefits us in life. Verbal communications needs the parties involved to have a mutual understanding of whatever they talk about so as to uphold an interaction which brings forth common delivery of information. Distorted information only complicates the messages intended to be got from the verbal communication (Williamson 2008, 1). Communication accommodation theory In this theory the people involved in a communication adjust their styles of communication because they move from one stage of communication to another. They continue understanding one another’s messages by the fact that they continue talking. Continua tion or sustenance of a conversation is an indication that people understand one another and accommodate the information they share in the process of communicatio

Friday, October 18, 2019

System evaluation and benchmark testing Assignment

System evaluation and benchmark testing - Assignment Example Strengths and Limitations of each system: Grass is open project software and can be used for finding directions to managing natural conditions. A user may put it for various purposes and achieve expected results. The Grass GIS software is a combination of raster/vector Geographical Information Software enhanced images and visualized data system. The system can be utilized by the usage of different modules but the users must know their own requirements before implementing it for use. GRASS GIS software system offers the 'GRASS Programmer's Manual.' The biggest benefit of using Grass software is that it can be used by writing custom made modules according to the user's own requirements. The users only need to read through the existing written modules to get a clear picture of the difference between what will be the output of the existing module and what output they want. When they get a clear picture it will be easier to frame a GIS module which adds on to the existing ones. This is pe rhaps the biggest feature and distinct characteristic of GRASS software that it offers the access and customization of internal structure of the system. The GRASS GIS offers a library to develop and document the modules as the Application Programming Interface. API is built to help the users in the development of the new module as a new add-on. With the help of this feature, users can help the project in growing and there will be more varieties of modules for the new users. Google Earth is proved to be vey useful in Real Estate and Engineering Industries. Google Earth uses the imagery database and also a very high pixel aspect for the printing purpose to enhance its service quality. Google Earth provides live satellite images of different parts of Earth. They may not be live in actual sense but they are updated very soon so they are mostly near to live and present most up-to-date images of world's topography. Google Earth is very beneficial for students and as well as business class people. It is helpful in providing satellite views for architectural projects, real estate decisions and also for businesses that need geographical information. During previous years, Google Earth Pro has been used by several NGOs in order to help and restore endangered life in different regions of the world. NGOs used Google Earth to collect and organize geographical sets of data, identifying sites, making maps and presenting their ideas. It is also very helpful in real estate business. The real estate dealers start to make their own portfolio of properties through Google Earth and it is perhaps the best tool to manage real estate business over seas where it will be difficult for the buyer to access the site. Microsoft MapPoint is a mapping application that is available in market for both business and home users. can easily plot geospatial data for North America or Europe. It can also geocode locations and plot routes. Although it is not having extensive functionality of a more co mprehensive GIS system like supporting ESRI format that is a standard format for GIS data, however it offers to create

Cultural Diversity Among The Catholic And The Amish Essay

Cultural Diversity Among The Catholic And The Amish - Essay Example The theologian's study, interpret and explore how human beings should work in the revelation of Christianity to the world and they discuss the foundational issues of faith. Philosophy is the second component of the religion. Philosophy investigates the fundamentals of human knowledge and experience. The third component is traditional liberal arts while the fourth component is the collection of subjects apart from the three subjects of theology, philosophy and liberal arts such as the study of life and natural sciences, the disciplines like computer science etc. Catholic higher education administrators claim that students should not only learn for the purpose of gaining a formal education but also should learn for knowing how to live life on the right path in a moral sense. The Catholic educational institutions are more welcoming and open towards all religions and they treat black, white and international students equally. Their colleges and universities, therefore, â€Å"demonstrated the values of openness and respect for diversity more effectively than other religiously affiliated institutions†. Catholics have the tradition of respecting both popes as well as priests and they read scriptures and also believe in the principle of â€Å"sticking together generally and in falling in line behind their leader†. â€Å"The political and moral conduct of the United States and its citizens, the fate of our Nation, homosexuality in the military, and scandals involving the Catholic clergy—are matters of public import†.... The theologians study, interpret and explore how human beings should work in the revelation of Christianity to the world and they discuss the foundational issues of faith. Philosophy is the second component of the religion. Philosophy investigates the fundamentals of human knowledge and experience. The third component is traditional liberal arts while the fourth component is the collection of subjects apart from the three subjects of theology, philosophy and liberal arts such as study of life and natural sciences, the disciplines like computer science etc. Catholic higher education administrators claim that students should not only learn for the purpose of gaining formal education but also should learn for knowing how to live life in the right path in a moral sense. The catholic educational institutions are more welcoming and open towards all religions and they treat black, white and international students equally. Their colleges and universities, therefore, â€Å"demonstrated the v alues of openness and respect for diversity more effectively than other religiously affiliated institutions† (Morey & Piderit, n.d., part. 2). Catholics have the tradition of respecting both popes as well as priests and they read scriptures and also believe in the principle of â€Å"sticking together generally and in falling in line behind their leader† (Portmann, n.d., p. 81). â€Å"The political and moral conduct of the United States and its citizens, the fate of our Nation, homosexuality in the military, and scandals involving the Catholic clergy—are matters of public import† (Phelps et al. 2010, p. 12). Catholics believed in the sin principle. â€Å"The first sin of disobedience resulted in death to the spiritual nature of

Research Proposal on the effect of hydrostatic pressure on plants

On the effect of hydrostatic pressure on plants - Research Proposal Example The four plants will be subjected to external pressure values in a closed medium for a period of two months, while the one (controlled plant) will be left in the opening, without the closed medium pressure control. Water level and pressure will be monitored every 2-3 days to insure their constancy using two method while the water flow measurements are taken. The plant will experience four different external pressure values in a closed medium for approximately two months. Water level and pressure will be monitored every 2-3 days to insure their constancy using two methods. Factors such as stem length and diameter leaves length and manifestation, room and soil temperature, water soil to leave ratio, coloration, and other vegetation and evolving aspects will be measured. The observed changes in the above factors would be compared to observed changes in these factors in the case of the control plants, in an attempt to identify the effect of an external pressure on a plant. Aim of the Stu dy Osmotic pressure is that pressure that is required to be applied to a solution in order to prevent the flow of water inwardly across a semipermeable membrane (Edward 34). Fundamentally, it is the minimum pressure required to nullify osmosis. ... Studies have shown that many plants require osmotic pressure for purposes of performing many functions. For instance, herbaceous plants depend on turgor pressure on the plant cell wall to allow them stand upright. Moreover, the regulating of the opening and closing of the stomata in plants is only achieved through osmotic pressure. Animals cells, on the other hand, lack cell wall, thus excessive osmotic pressure can cause cytolysis. The importance of osmotic pressure has been the reason behind increased studies on this subject. Osterhout1 (34), for instance sought to investigate the process of water movement in a cell in a process referred to as osmosis. In other studies, Mees and Weatherley (56) carried out an experiment to ascertain the mechanism of water movement in plant roots. Similarly, Voet, Judith, Voet and Pratt, (56) sought to investigated the application of osmosis in Biochemistry. Fiscus (1975) explored the interaction between Osmotic and Pressure-induced Water Flow in Pl ant Roots. In this research Fiscus was confined to the interaction of water and solute transport in the detached root systems and the non-linear relationship existing between driving force and water. In yet another study, Edward (35) demonstrated that under influence of applied hydrostatic pressure gradients there was a drop in resistance of water flow in the detopped tomato root systems. In this study, Mees and Weatherley showed that in simple membrane systems, it is possible to have changes in water conductivity with increasing hydrostatic pressure without actual change in the hydraulic conductivity coefficient. The findings of this study, as well showed that in absence of hydraulic pressure gradient, such a system may develop a steady state concentration

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earing a Essay

Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earing a graduate degree - Essay Example eet the challenge of growing it from a small mom and pop operation to a thriving global competitor or to become a leader of an already established company where I can put my education and experience to the test in turning it around and bring it to success. I feel this sort of career will not only help my country by helping Korea’s efforts in becoming a world power in the marketplace, but I can help my fellow countrymen in finding strong career fields and skilled career positions, all while I challenge my own skills and abilities. Perhaps some day, I can even serve as a role model for future Koreans struggling to find the way to meet their own life challenges. If I am able to reach my goal, I feel I will have fulfilled my duties to myself, my neighbor and my country all at the same time. While I realize that this sort of endeavor will take time, I also realize that I do not yet have the necessary education or experience this will take. Understanding that the ability to meet large goals such as mine come about from the determined completion of smaller steps targeted toward the same end, I have established several shorter term goals for myself, some of which I have already completed. For example, I attended Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea where I majored in International Commerce. I also spent a great deal of time traveling the globe as a means of getting to know various different cultures and their customs. In addition to my education, I’ve also managed to find several business positions in which I have been able to put my education to practical application in furtherance of my primary future objective. I gained a great deal of business experience working for Donald J. Ulrich Associates as an Asian Global Management Analyst. Prior to that position, I held an internship at Hanwha Europe, learning about the European automotive market. Currently, I work for Hyo Seong America Corp., a Korean company that manufactures blower motors. My position within

Recommendation On High-End Electric Ranges Essay

Recommendation On High-End Electric Ranges - Essay Example Both the Maytag and the KitchenAid models feature Sabbath Mode while the Frigidaire does not. (Sabbath Mode is a built-in safety feature that automatically shuts off the oven after 12 hours or so.) This is a sensible feature, but it has proven to be problematic for those of the Jewish faith wishing to keep kosher on the Sabbath and on specific holidays because they're forbidden to turn ovens (or any electrical appliances) on during that time; however, it is permissible to use electrical appliances that are already on. Hence, the need is greater for a Sabbath mode that keeps an oven on at a specified temperature for as long as it's required, rather than turning the oven off after a certain lapse of time. With this type of feature, the cook could prepare a meal prior to the Sabbath or holiday and then leave it in the always-warm oven until it is ready to be eaten. Neither oven provides this type of flexibility. (McFedries, 2005). The Maytag and Frigidaire share the additional features of storage drawers, glass ceramic cooktops, oven lights and oven door windows that are not listed as options within the KitchenAid model. The three ranges reviewed are all of similar price and features. KitchenAid is the only one that is not of brushed chrome construction and is judged by owners to be easier to keep clean because of that. The KitchedAid is also taller in the back and would blend in better with most countertop backing. Appearance is the main factor separating these ranges.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earing a Essay

Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earing a graduate degree - Essay Example eet the challenge of growing it from a small mom and pop operation to a thriving global competitor or to become a leader of an already established company where I can put my education and experience to the test in turning it around and bring it to success. I feel this sort of career will not only help my country by helping Korea’s efforts in becoming a world power in the marketplace, but I can help my fellow countrymen in finding strong career fields and skilled career positions, all while I challenge my own skills and abilities. Perhaps some day, I can even serve as a role model for future Koreans struggling to find the way to meet their own life challenges. If I am able to reach my goal, I feel I will have fulfilled my duties to myself, my neighbor and my country all at the same time. While I realize that this sort of endeavor will take time, I also realize that I do not yet have the necessary education or experience this will take. Understanding that the ability to meet large goals such as mine come about from the determined completion of smaller steps targeted toward the same end, I have established several shorter term goals for myself, some of which I have already completed. For example, I attended Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea where I majored in International Commerce. I also spent a great deal of time traveling the globe as a means of getting to know various different cultures and their customs. In addition to my education, I’ve also managed to find several business positions in which I have been able to put my education to practical application in furtherance of my primary future objective. I gained a great deal of business experience working for Donald J. Ulrich Associates as an Asian Global Management Analyst. Prior to that position, I held an internship at Hanwha Europe, learning about the European automotive market. Currently, I work for Hyo Seong America Corp., a Korean company that manufactures blower motors. My position within

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Empirical Data Analysis of UK Companies Coursework

Empirical Data Analysis of UK Companies - Coursework Example inability has been recognized by the companies operating globally, but the performance to purely be integrated into the strategy and operations as per the standard requires embedment of the standards and principles of the primary governance systems. Successfully embedding sustainability into the governance of a company requires selection of a right mix of issues, and placing the strategic direction of an organization with strategic social and environmental goals, and ensuring that the mechanisms taken by the government understand and perform well so as to reach the focus. So as to create sustainability a company tries to focus on risk and legal issues, individual competencies, finances, management structures, independence, and leadership. Boards of Directors are a significant component of governance structures and with the help of other governance mechanisms helps to bring about sustainable development (Mullerat, 2011, p-6). Boards have the ability to lead all the decisions taken wit h integrity; they possess the appropriate skills to undergo any difficult decisions and manage risks undertaken (Tayan and Larcker, 2011, pp. 8-9). Proper Implementation and maintenance of good governance facilities help in making decisions and improves the strategy taken by the organization, improves compliance, performance, and accountability, and is often characterized by evaluation, analysis, and monitoring. Effective and efficient corporate governance helps an organization to achieve its desired outcomes and objectives, and accomplish its obligations through the following- Successful corporate Governance also helps to provide a framework for establishing responsibility to the people served by the organization, i.e., its members, clients, and different stakeholders (Grobfeld and Luttermann, 2012, p. 331). Clear strategy- Good Corporate Governance starts with an apparent strategy for the organization.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The South Korean Plastic Surgery Craze

The South Korean Plastic Surgery Craze Plastic surgery has become a craze among South Koreans since the beginning of the twenty first century. South Korea has the highest rate of plastic surgery than any other country in the world, with 74 procedures per 10,000 people (Winchester, 2013). Majority of people in Korea believe that facial appearance is an important factor in measuring one’s success in life. This paper argues that plastic surgery in South Korea needs a limitation and the plastic surgery craze in Korea has to be stopped. Three reasons why plastic surgery has to be reduced are because of plastic surgery addiction, standardization in physical appearance and side effects of cosmetic operations. Plastic surgery was introduced in Korea by Dr. Ralph Millard, an American plastic surgeon, who arrived in Korea in 1954 and performed double eyelid surgeries for Korean patients (Stone, 2013). Millard’s role was to help treat accident and burnt victims but he decided to help in a different way. Millard thought that a more western appearance would help Koreans assimilate better in the emerging international economy. (Millard. R, n.d.). The surgery quickly caught on and the first aesthetic surgery clinic opened in Korea in 1961. From then, numbers of women undergoing plastic surgeries increased from year to year. Currently double eyelids and nose jobs are so common that they are not named surgery but called as â€Å"procedure†. It is true to say that once Koreans desired to look more western, but nowadays cosmetic operations are not to look more western but to look more stunning as what Koreans think. According to Dr. Hyunenong Park (as cited in Stone, 2013), a plastic su rgeon in Korea, said â€Å"Even though many Caucasians have small and slim faces, it doesnt mean Asians want to be like Caucasians. If you inspect some Caucasian celebrities, you find countless examples of prominent jaws and high cheekbones. Nonetheless, if you inspect Asian celebrities, they all have small jaws and cheekbones. That’s because small and slim face is ideal to most Koreans†. This shows that Koreans undergoing plastic surgeries still look for distinctively Korean feature, rather than looks similar to Caucasian. Some people argue that plastic surgery boosts self-confidence and decreases the rate of depression in patients. Patients suffering from a health issue related to physical appearances had a great change in how they feel about themselves after procedure. For instance, a study found that patients who surgically altered their physical appearance, claimed to achieve their goal, felt healthier, less anxious and developed more self-esteem compared to those who chose not to have plastic surgery (Royal University of Bhutan, 2013). Moreover, researchers found out that plastic surgery plays a major role in decreasing depression in patients with appearance issues. Research carried out by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (2006), demonstrated a high correlation between plastic surgery procedures and mitigating depression in patients. The research showed 31 percent of the patients electing for the procedure who was currently on anti-depressants, had stopped taking anti-depressant medication for six months, after the surgery (American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2006). This shows that plastic surgery does play an important role in enhancing ones self-esteem and decreasing the level of depression but overdone plastic surgeries are causing major problems in our society. Peoples obsession with plastic surgery, is one of the reasons why plastic surgery needs to be reduced. Most of the people have something they don’t like about their appearance, but if it is not serious and does not affect our daily live, it is not necessary to undergo surgeries. Whereas in Korea, people have become more open about ‘reconstructing’ their face and procedures like eye-and-nose jobs have become what they call â€Å"basics† Furthermore, people’s obsession with plastic surgery is moving on from the ‘basics’ to radical surgical operations that require long painful recovery period which is potentially dangerous surgery (Standen, 2013). These people who are not satisfied with their current appearance and go through numerous procedures are suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). BDD refers to people who continually find flaws in areas where there are no flaws and need to proceed several times of surgeries (ADAA, n.d.). They perceive themselves as being ugly while others could see him or her as physically attractive and are hardly satisfied with their appearance. Many people in Korea are currently experiencing this disorder but they are not conscious about it and this can lead to severe side effect. For example, a former Korean model Hang Mioku, addicted to plastic surgery, injected cooking oil into her face because plastic surgeons refused to perform any more plastic surgeries on her (Nair, 2013). Her face is badly disfigured but she is still desperate for softer, smoother skin. This Korean model is actually suffering from BDD but she is not conscious of the fact that she has a mental disorder. Another reason why there needs to be a limitation to plastic surgery is because careless operations cause serious side effects. According to the Korean Consumer Agency (as cited by Lim, 2014), rate of medical dispute on cosmetic surgery was the highest of all medical disputes in the year 2013 and it increased 28.5 percent more in the year 2014. Due to the enormous expansion of aesthetic surgery industry, plastic surgeons are not enough to cover all the patients and as a result, many unqualified plastic surgeons or doctors from other medical fields known as the ‘shadow doctors’ are doing procedures for. Shadow doctors, substitute plastic surgeons, are reported to be the main cause of the huge increase in medical incidents that were reported in recent years (Yoo, 2015). 70 percent of plastic surgery malpractice suits that were reported are from asymmetric problems followed by prosthesis failure, inflammation and post-scars (Lee, 2015). These side effects lead to health and mental diseases or even death. For instance, Kim Bok Soon, a patient who wanted to have her nose done to gain more self- confidence, was convinced by an unqualified doctor to have fifteen operations done to look like a celebrity but the result came out as a disaster. After the procedure, she cannot close her eyes or stop her nose from running and is currently suffering from chronic depression (Carney, 2014). Not only this, but a Chinese woman was found brain dead while undergoing combined eye and nose procedure in a clinic located in southern Seoul (Choi, Park, 2014). She suddenly stopped breathing and lost consciousness while surgery and was sent to a nearby hospital but was diagnosed with brain death and currently remaining comatose. Lastly, standardization in appearance is also a reason why the aesthetic operation has to be reduced. A series of photos of 2013 Miss Korea preliminary contestants revealed by an anonymous blogger shocked not only Koreans but the whole world and news organizations worldwide. International news presses all at once, criticized on how plastic surgery has turned the 2013 preliminary pageant contestants into almost identical looking people (Lewis, 2013; Odell, 2013; Zimmerman, 2013). Not only contestants but similarly looking women can be easily seen in many places in Korea but especially in Gangnam a district popular for plastic surgery. Christina Lim, who is trying to emulate doll-like features of the K-pop celebrities, said â€Å"Plastic surgery is a normal thing. My friends, they would actually just go on vacation and then they would come back with a new face. In Korea, you go down the street, you see this girl and you walk down the street, you see that girl again. The two girls are actually different person† (Chang Thompson, 2014). As Lim stated, many Korean women desire to undergo operations to achieve big eyes, round forehead, tall nose and v-line shaped jaw lines which is the latest beauty standard in Korea. The problem occurs from people who do not fit the beauty standard. People who are considered as not pretty because they do not fit into the beauty standard have a hard time with getting along with others and fit in to the society. In conclusion, the paper argued about limitation of plastic surgery in Korea. We have looked at how cosmetic operations enhance self-esteem and decrease depression but on the other hand, cause serious problems like aesthetic surgery addiction, standardization in appearance and severe side effects that may lead to death and serious social problems. Cosmetic surgery was a surgery to remove the physical appearances that cause other health disease or mental disease but because it is carelessly done and overly used in Korea, it is causing more problems than benefit to the society. To prevent this, cosmetic operations have to be limited to patients who really need the procedure and not to unnecessary people. Doctors performing procedures should also be carefully examined before they can do any cosmetic operations to patients to avoid any malpractice caused by unqualified doctors. 1

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cell Phone History - The Evolution of the Cell Phone :: Expository Essays

Cell Phone History - The Evolution of the Cell Phone Cell phones have become a part of mainstream culture. Recently they have become more affordable and accomplish much more than making and receiving calls. Along with the growing popularity there is also growing concerns about safety and health. In this paper we will address cell phone history and how they have evolved. We will discuss health concerns such as tumors and talking while driving. Finally, we will talk about all of the technology that cell phones can accomplish such as receiving Email and buying stocks. History: In 1921 the Detroit Michigan Police Department first used mobile radio in a vehicle. Digital wireless and cellular roots started in the 1940s. In the 1940s new frequencies between 30 and 40 MHz were available. There was an increase of availability in channels which police systems were encouraged to use. Mobile units were available within private companies, individuals, and public agencies. In St. Louis, 1945 the first mobile telephone system in the US was introduced. Along the highway between New York and Boston a Public mobile system carried greater frequency distance in 1947. In 1n 1949, the FFC authorized separate radio channels to common carriers. A new system was developed with automatic channel selection in 1964. With this new system each call allowed customers to dial for themselves and it eliminated the need to push-to-talk operation. In 1975, in Chicago, AT&T was authorized to develop a cellular system. After this AT&T and Bell labs work with other cellular vendors to develop their cellular phones. Their phones were made so consumers would have the quality products available to use on cellular networks. There are many reasons why the mobile wireless has not progressed further in the last 60 years, this is because of cautiousness and federal regulation. The Federal Communications Commission controlled frequency availability. Their regulations and unresponsiveness had the most significant factors hindering radiotelephone development. The Federal Communication Commission delayed the technology in America by ten years. Health: Brain tumors and eye cancer are two health concerns of cell phones that are currently under investigation. Many people have heard rumors about whether or not cell phones are responsible for these health problems, but answers never seem to be found.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Struggles Within the Middle East: United States Supplying Israel During

In October of 1973, a war between the Arabic states of Egypt and Syria and the state of Israel broke out known as the Yom Kippur War. Being vastly overwhelmed by the Arabic states in terms of sheer volume of troops and equipment, Israel turned toward its ally in the West, the United States. With profound diplomatic pressure from multiple Arabic states, the United States found itself in an increasingly difficult position. In an effort to create the best outcome for America in both the Middle East and the global theatre, the United States made the decision, knowing full well the possible consequences, to help supply Israel during the Yom Kippur War. On October 6th, 1973, during the Jewish holy day of atonement, Yom Kippur, a surprise attack transpired, catching Israel off-guard and potentially putting over sovereign nations in a precarious position pertaining to Middle Eastern foreign affairs. The governments of Egypt and Syria, knowing that Yom Kippur was the holiest Jewish day of prayer and fasting that the Jewish military actively participated in, knew that they would be able to catch the well-defended Israeli positions off-guard. By combining their military might, the Egyptian army created a combined force that totaled the forces of NATO in Western Europe, creating a potential security threat to first world nations. In Golan Heights, the Syrian tank force outmatched Israeli by nine to one, and in the Suez region the Egyptian forces outnumber the Israeli by a ratio of one-hundred and sixty to one. Both sides, willing to commit both their men and equipment, were willing to sacrifice in order to gain their necessary victory. W illing to sacrifice their equipment, all sides in the war were looking outward toward other nations in or... ...rael during the war. With a fear that failure to maintain the balance of power in the Middle East, while trying to drive Soviet influence out, could upset America’s interests and security in the Global theatre, United States officials made the decision that supplying Israel during the Yom Kippur War was in America’s best interest the long term. Works Cited U.S. State Department. Middle East Task Force. Situation Report #18. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1981. U.S. State Department. Middle East Task Force. Situation Report #22. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1981. U.S. State Department. Middle East Task Force. The Middle East Conflict and U.S. Oil Interests. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1981. The White House. Memorandum of Conversation, October 9, 1973. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1981.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Freedom VS Security Essay

Many theories and assumptions have been fabricated upon the basis of man’s desires and beliefs. H. L. Mencken wrote, â€Å"The average man does not want to be free, only to be safe. † However, this observation does not correlate with what has been witnessed over the course of contemporary society. Since the 18th century, man has sacrificed safety for a reward that is much more paramount, freedom. Patrick Henry, an orator for freedom in the middle to late 1700’s, knew that liberty was a vital necessity in every man’s life, and that one must do whatever it takes, including sacrificing their security, in order to achieve it. In his speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses, he is most memorably quoted for his concluding antithesis, â€Å"Give me liberty, or give me death! † Henry conveyed to his audience, as well as the entire nation, that freedom is a virtue worth dying for. Mencken’s allegation fails to attribute this instance, even though Patrick Henry was able to convince a whole nation that their liberty was worth dying for. In the past we have had many examples of security vs. freedom. During the civil war we had soldiers and people fighting to be free. They risked their own life everyday stepping out on the battle field just so they could have their own rights. This also happens in the American Revolution; people fight and risk their lives for freedom. Many events in history show how much people truly care about their freedom. Our Founding Fathers created this nation so we wouldn’t have to be living in a society full of regulation. Freedom vs. Security is a non-stop debate in our country. However, freedom is unalienable. Freedom is what keeps the common man happy. Freedom allows us to treat every day as a new day, knowing that we can do and accomplish anything because we are free. On the other hand, while safety is what keeps man calm and secure, it is not what our nation thrives off of. Security is a blanket, while freedom is a threshold. Therefore it is desired, while security is expected. No man cries out for safety, but the same cannot be said about freedom. Freedom gives us hope and excitement, while security gives assurance. Both are essential, yet only one is craved. Mencken’s presumption of what man wants, and what man deserves are in disarray. Freedom is everything, and not even safety can over shadow it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

American education Essay

Education in China is growing. Over the past years Chinas education system has been attempting, and been successful in improving the education in China. China for many years did not put much emphasis on education. China was more traditional, meaning they were more interested in farming and working. Prior the 1840 education in China was only for the elite, the high class. The main purpose of education was to train what China called â€Å"gentlemen† or high officials. This is the time of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher who introduced China to the Royal Examination System, which is used to select imperial officers. Chinas education was very rigid and it focused highly on technology thus China has a high rate of illiteracy. Early Chinese students were not very well rounded; they were limited in what they could study. For example a student of science would not know much about Humanities, and vice versa, a student of Humanities would not know much about science. This approach of learning narrowed the range of knowledge that a Chinese student might have. This would limit the students thinking and restrict their future development. When a student is limited in what he of she can do then that will dramatically decrease the number of jobs that they have to chose from. American education is a lot different than the early Chinese education. In America, school is for developing critical thinking skills. American education teaches students to apply what they learn in the class to the outside world. They teach students to think outside of the box and how to think deep and to apply critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is expected in America, as for China they are more knowledge focused. The Chinese function more on memorization of knowledge and facts, again this limits them in their thinking. Chinas’ education is based on training for entrance exams for college; this time of exams is known as â€Å"black July†. They memorize a lot of facts and then repeat them on a test. In America they teach how to apply what we learn to many different problems, to see if the students can figure them out. Chinas’ system is very competitive. The students compete with each other because there is limited space in college and there are limited jobs, in their marrow fields. This increases the pressure on the students, students at times commit suicide or run away from home and often suffer form depression because the pressure is so great on them, form their family and also themselves. Unlike most American students Chinese students are eager to learn and work really hard, they want to be the best that they can be for themselves and also for their family. China is making a lot of reforms on their education approach today. They are slowly adopting some of the western world’s principles. They are beginning to encourage students to study in more than one field, such as if a students is studying mathematics they also can, and often do study another subject such as science. This is broadening the students’ horizons and allowing them to be more rounded in their capabilities. This also increases the job types that they might be able to do. The Chinese are beginning to put more of an emphasis on critical thinking than they have in the years past. This takes some of the pressure off of the students and evens it out a little more, because if the can’t find a job and all they have is one skill then they will suffer and be left out working maybe a low rate job. If a student has more flexibility in what he or she can do then there will be more options for them in the job field. The education systems of China and America are more and more beginning to resemble one another. A few differences that still exist today are that the American schools are more centered on the students and interaction learning while the China schools are more teacher- focused and lecture oriented. American schools also encourage the students to debate with the teacher and ask questions during class. China has a phrase called â€Å"saving face†; this means that the students would rather not know the answer than to ask a â€Å"dumb† question. Teachers don’t encourage questions during class and don’t allow much debate. There are both strengths and weaknesses to both Chinese and American education methods. Chinese students study hard and often. They are viewing school as a privilege and a competition while most Americans view school as boring and tiresome. While Americans struggle with memorization and discipline, they are strong in critical thinking. American students are more rounded and able to apply what they have learned too many different things, whereas the Chinese are somewhat limited. I would have to say that all in all both systems have their positives and their negatives but as the years progress, improvement in each country will also.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

South Asia and Management of Energy Security 

INTERNATIONAL-RELATIONS ARTICLE ASSIGNMENT=1 SOUTH ASIA AND MANAGEMENT OF ENERGY SECURITY 3/27/2013 SUBMITTED BY FAIZAN-ALI BBA-7C * Introduction: The article named south Asia and management of energy security has been written by a well known associate professor of international relations miss DR MUSARRAT JABEEN Quetta university Baluchistan.The writer herself a very competent and well known to her subject of specialization with the great exposure of international systems and relations also read one other books of her by the name of legacy of china which is one of her successful stories and proof of her good thought of school. After now introducing the writer I would like to introduce the under attention article of the writer which is south Asia and management of energy security. Summary (major points): in the article the writer talked about many things and tried to focus on the fact that energy security hinges on the demand and supply systems in terms of energy management. She used a word of hinge in her sentence which is the demonstration of a beautiful making of preposition by writer which means a joining device on which a lid or door turns when it opens. When comes to the major and focal points of an article I would like to firstly translate the meaning of energy security which means that smooth and reliable transaction and movement of energy between supply and demand systems of energy.The emergence of supply and demand is from the economic world and as per my understanding with these terms I conclude that there should not be a supply and demand gap in the systems of energy otherwise I will create a question on the security of energy which is the smooth transaction of energy. Importantly major points for supply and demand are rolled under three dimensions: * Dependency * Certainty * AffordabilityAs energy is the most important security for all the nations and states because a great sense of competition exists among nations for energy security as energy is o ne of the basic requirements for economic development and economic growth. There are some important factors in the given articles which are responsible for the increase in demand * High rate of population * Stress caused by economic growth * Economic dualism * Structural transformation * Physical capital formationThis study basically focuses on the supply and demand systems crossing south Asia at the confluence of central Asia and Middle East south Asia has specific energy security issues. One of the growing demands of energy is that china is becoming the world’s biggest economic power very soon in future due to china needs the cost is kept on increasing specially in south Asia. The region specially discussed in this article is south Asia in which Pakistan is included which would be the route and supplier of energy very soon in future but this might not take place very soon because of our energy crisis at national level.India which is only the supplier and Afghanistan which i s the route of energy can also create political barriers to other states of south Asia especially for Iran who is the biggest supplier of energy among south Asia countries. U. s Europe and china’s interest has made some political environment in south Asia. As oil is one of the most important ingredients of energy so U. S who is the only power of world wants to control all pricing management of oil especially in Gulf States?In view of geographical location PAKSITAN has a great importance for all because we have gawaddar port we have Karachi port and we have so many other routes which actually links with the boundaries of AGHANISTAN INDIA IRAN and across the river to the Gulf States. The writer has taken up some important qualifications about PAKSITAN which in my point of view are very important. * Pakistan is located at the confluence of central middle and south Asia. In short Pakistan is the heart of Asia. * Pakistan has the ability to grow at the level of above 8% GDP. * Pak istan has catered for the central Asia trade with south Asia and the rest of world. Challenges: In South Asia, the demand for infrastructure, and particularly electricity, is growing rapidly. Improved electricity supply is a key to sustaining economic growth and improving social services. †¢ Electricity is still not available to about half of the region's 1. 5 billion population, especially in rural areas, which adversely affects the efforts to reduce poverty and create better opportunities for all. †¢ The lack of access to modern forms of energy prolongs the widespread traditional use of biomass, with adverse environmental and health impact. Electricity services to the connected customers, whether to businesses or households, are often unreliable and of poor quality, coupled with high technical and commercial losses and poor commercial performance of service providers. †¢ Advancing electricity sector reforms, aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of electrici ty service, commercial viability of electricity industry, institutional and governance arrangements, accountability of service providers, and investment climate is critical to ensure sustained growth of the sector and optimal development and use of energy resources. National energy systems are autarchic, with weak or nonexistent interconnections. There is little cross-border trade in electricity, with the exception of India-Bhutan trade, and none in natural gas. * Critical analysis: South Asia's energy security dilemma is one of the signal challenges of the 21st century, critical to the economic future of almost two billion people and the political future of one of the world s most volatile regions. Now for the critical analysis as per my reading and understanding with the article I would like to mention some strengths and weaknesses and also the things which are covered and which are not covered.In south Asia energy management china India Pakistan Afghanistan are the majors countri es for supply and routes specially in south Asia so they have a great interest of international community specially from the super power U. S. America wanted a full control on all movements and managements of energy specially on oil and also the resources of all these big countries of Asia. china is more powerful among all other Asian states because they are using there resources very efficiently and effectively.Here I can give an example of small dams of water as reserves in china which are 1 lakh in quantity as per rough idea which is the security of many other energy production systems. While talking about Pakistan, Baluchistan which is the biggest area in view of resources and energy generation is now under the strong influence by international forces to get management by others. In view of strengths it is an accepted fact a stronger Pakistan will deal strongly with the regional challenges. The construction of deep sea port at GAWADAR is just one component of the greater gawadar plan. here is a strong link of network of Karachi with Baluchistan by roads. Management of regional interest can play an important role in the management of energy in south Asia. As Pakistan is the hub of transportation for all so there should be a unity and strong faith of friendship among the countries of south Asia. The policy of recasting regional interstate relations on the basis of trade will directly lead to the prosperity of the whole region. Regionally there are so many projects are running among the Pakistan Iran India china srilanka etc. ne of the greatest example is the agreement of gas pipeline between Pakistan and Iran which is the proof of interstate relationships. This agreement is unacceptable for the international actors like America. when going internationally we should all act alike under some laws and policies for the benefit of whole Asia because it has to be understand by all that our continent is very rich in many things like geographical location resources natural climate fertile land etc. everybody should look east towards each other because to the west only fake faces and promises are made for their own national interest. Conclusion: finally at the end I would like to say that this is our bad luck among south Asia countries that we all are affiliated with other international channels for some interest and we are less behind in developing relations among each other. Due to which when there is an increase in the security of energy happens in any country the other feels insecurity like when India made nuclear tests it was a worried time for Pakistan because instead of having a relationship of friendship we are enemy of each other which is the biggest drawback in our continent. he task of global reforms has to be an inclusive one,addresing the concerns and needs of the states located in the heartland of Asia. All the tensions should be solved by dialogues and by cooperation’s. There should be two management policies one at region al level and one should be on international level. The gap is increasing between supply and demand of energy because of inelasticity. East and Southeast Asian states are facing severe and increasing energy security challenges.Regional economies are generally poor in natural resources, trade-dependent, and energy-intensive in character. Regional energy demands, especially for natural gas and fuels derived from crude oil, continue to escalate. Simultaneously, indigenous production of oil and gas has been for the large part either declining. This divergence between energy demands and domestic supplies has led to increasing reliance among East and Southeast Asian states on foreign sources of supply, including energy imports that are predominantly delivered by sea.Recommendation: * Create awareness programs for states on their issues, like economic, social and legal issues, to strengthen them, on government level and civil society organization. * Need comprehensive legislation to ensure the states’ right and their protection. * Promote/Start debates and address the issues of states with governments. —————-*————————————–*—————————*—————————

The appearance of 'symbolism' and 'themes' found in Maya Angelou's, I Essay

The appearance of 'symbolism' and 'themes' found in Maya Angelou's, I know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Essay Example The years in between are marked by at least seven major upheavals of her life, moving from her parents home as a tiny child to her grandmother’s house in Stamps, back to St. Louis to live with her mother and back to Stamps following a rape by her mother’s boyfriend. Eventually, she is returned to her mother, this time in San Francisco. Her visit to her father in Southern California turns into a nightmare period of living on the streets until she is finally able to return to her mother’s home in San Francisco. Throughout the story, Angelou employs a great deal of symbolism to relate her personal journey to the greater journey of the black woman of her generation through such devices as Maya’s Easter Dress, Momma’s store, Maya’s rape at the age of eight, the metaphor of the cage and the concept of voice. The story begins with a particularly poignant scene from Maya’s early life in Stamps that instantly identifies the degree to which the black community was subdued under the yoke of white expectations through the symbol of the lavender dress. Although Maya’s community is entirely black, her ideals regarding what is beautiful are established by the white world outside. This concept is symbolized in the form of her lavender Easter dress. â€Å"I knew that once I put it on I’d look like a movie star †¦ I was going to look like one of the sweet little white girls who were everybody’s dream of what was right with the world† (Angelou 1). In this statement, Angelou captures the primary desire of all black girls of her generation and before and many since who have felt the only way to find social acceptance was to somehow rid oneself of one’s ‘blackness.’ Angelou herself has indicated that she â€Å"wasn’t thinking so much a bout my own life or identity. I was thinking about a particular time in which I lived and the influences of that time on a number of people †¦ I used the central figure –

Monday, October 7, 2019

CLUB IT Part Two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CLUB IT Part Two - Essay Example Ruby’s existing website is currently being updated. Ruby’s already has one desktop work station equipped with at 320 GB hard drive and the latest version of Microsoft business software. The club is already equipped with high speed internet access. At the same time, in order to make use of these resources, Ruby’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) must incorporate the acquisition of new hardware, software and human resources. The required upgrades will include: Hardware: One new desktop, with similar specifications as the existing work station. Three new hand-held point-of-sale devices, one wireless internet router, and four additional power points in customer dining areas. Human Resources: Ruby’s will hire one new employee full-time with basic skills in programming and network management. Maintaining the website and in-store network will be this employees primary function, but he or she should also have basic customer services skills and be able to assist and fill in for wait staff and hostesses during IT â€Å"down time.† These resources will allow Ruby’s to expand its online sales as well as to adapt to future IT changes, thus allowing Rub’s to take full advantage of our customer base. First, Ruby’s will expand its online ordering system to include not only advance ticket sales, but also an expanded line of merchandise as well as exclusive online sales of featured artists’ mp3’s and compact discs. Finally, in addition to Ruby’s new schedule of live hip hop, R &B and Latin music and community events, Ruby’s plans to host weekly Tuesday and Thursday â€Å"quiet† happy hours designed to appeal to millennial and net users; students and creative workers who work from home. Customers will be able to access free wireless and numerous power-points throughout Ruby’s customer seating area. Supply Chain and Customers: In addition to failing to take advantage of existing resources and customer base,

Sunday, October 6, 2019

FINAL EXAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FINAL EXAM - Essay Example This separates personal assets from business assets hence cannot be involved in lawsuits. The other advantage is that cooperate business has a continuity agreement, in that even if one member dies the other shareholders still have it alive. Disadvantages come in when it is required to file many legal documents such as the certificates and articles of incorporation, which may take long and is cumbersome. Another major disadvantage is that cooperate business do get tax deductions when distributing dividends, and this eats up into shareholders earnings. Question 3 "To pierce the corporate veil" refers to the possibility of someone to sue the owners of the corporate business. The corporate shareholders are thus held personally liable for the assets and liabilities of the business. Double taxation happens when the cooperate business is taxed for being a corporation itself and the second time when distributing dividends which are profits paid to shareholders in return of their investments. Question 4 I would prefer to start a partnership business for a small cafe/restraint business, where I would sell beverages and snacks. If managed well, a restaurant business can be very profitable as food is one of the basic needs of a human being implying that customers would always stream into the restaurant provided high quality services are provided. Restaurants do not need a lot of capital and expertise to start, all it needs is a spacious room with furniture, a well stocked kitchen, a couple of employees, cooks and waitresses. I prefer a partnership business with two partners where every partner has equal responsibilities to the business and is involved in the daily operations of the restaurant. Partnerships are relatively easy to start and compared to sole proprietors, the partners can raise a higher capital to start the business. Partners help each other in business decisions for instance interviewing employees or signing in a new contract. In connection to my restraint bu siness, my partner should have a hotel and catering skills to compliment my business skills. With a partnership, it is easier to get credit facilities because they have unlimited liability hence easier to raise sufficient funds to run the restaurant. Lastly, a partnership business is easy to dissolve as there not many legal restrictions. When the partners decide to go separate ways they just need to agree on how to split the assets and benefits after paying all the debts. Question 5 General liability- Here, the court will have to establish who has right to control the work and workers performing the duties. Parties Intentions- The intention of parties is also considered when differentiating an employee and a contractor. The court should check the agreement between the parties. Financial control- In determining a person’s status, financial issues are also important. The court should establish who pays the workers and where they get tools to perform their duties. Tax- If the wo rker is an independent employee, he is supposed to pay taxes from his/her pocket but if the worker is a contractor the hiring parties should pay his taxes. Working time- If the working time is longer than that of a usual contract, then the workers lean more towards the employee side than a contractor. Question 6 In legal terminologies," respondeat superior" means the employer is liable for the mistakes of their employee committed on the scope of work (Marsh &

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Management of service quality issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Management of service quality issue - Essay Example The valet parking service is generally provided by establishments such as hotels, restaurants, big business houses, malls and theatres. In the current research, various advantages and issues of valet parking with respect to the Address hotel has been discussed. The Address hotel is one of the well known and favourite destinations in Dubai. The hotel expects to increase its overall service quality and enhance customer satisfaction through better management of valet parking services. In order to identify the major problems in valet parking service quality, fishbone analysis and Pareto analysis tool have been used. Analysis of these two theories has revealed that there are six major problems which results in customer dissatisfaction and overall damage of the hotel’s brand image. After identification of these exact problems, various possible recommendations were suggested. Valet parking is convenient as well as affordable to the customers. In majority of cases, valet parking is ve ry cheap and affordable. Valet parking helps in improving the overall experience of the customer. The customers are able to start their experience with a pleasurable parking service facility. Introduction Valet parking is a common parking service provided by some stores, businesses and restaurants. The tradition was initiated in North America and then had spread to other parts of the globe such as Europe, Australia and Middle-east (Clarke and Chen, 2012). While self-parking customers need to find a parking place by themselves, in Valet parking the vehicles of customers are parked by an individual known as Valet. This kind of service either requires some charges to be paid by the car owner or it can be free of charge by the business or establishment. The major advantage of valet parking is that it is convenient. Customers need not walk distant places especially when they are carrying heavy things with them. A lot of handicapped customers rely on valet parking services as they cannot walk to the destination from a distant parking space. Valet parking is also convenient during bad weather conditions. In most of the high profile hotels and restaurants, valets are knowledgeable and professionals who are able to drive and place every model in their perfect places. It is also a method of saving space compared to normal street parking. The various venues where valet parking is currently used are single events, bar or restaurant locations, crowded settings, hotel locations, casinos, malls and airports (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Most individuals who provide valet parking services usually fall in the age group of 18-28. However, attendants as old as 60 can also be found working in this valet service. Turnover is quiet high for these services. Valet parking also includes certain types of equipments for example, valet podiums where vehicles are handed over to the valet, key boxes used for protecting and storing the keys and valet tickets to keep a check on the different ve hicles. In some urban areas and exceptional places, valet parking services are also provided for bikes. The purpose of the current project is to investigate and research the management of valet parking service. The project will throw light on how the service is being provided in five star hotels and how it is affecting the overall performance of these hotels. The organization taken for the project is Address hotel in Dubai. The Address hotel in Dubai is one of the well known hotel destinations. It is near by the sea shore and is situated in Dubai

Friday, October 4, 2019

Ethical Leadership in Memory Care Homes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical Leadership in Memory Care Homes - Essay Example These are imperative under the circumstances owing to the dynamics and factors that need to be taken into account anent the physical and psychological conditions of the patients. Actually a type of dementia, Alzheimer's disease affects about more than four million in the United States of America alone. Unfortunately, there are no known cure or treatment for the illness as of yet. The most that may be availed of for some relief are only preventative measures to control the damaging effects of the disorder. It is common among people in the age range of sixty and over although there are few cases for middle-aged persons. (What is Alzheimer's Disease. Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability. TN.GOV. [internet]). While some patients are maintained in their own homes under the care of family and relatives and hired domestic hands or caregivers, there are a lot of care homes for memory loss patients or those suffering from Alzheimer's disease. In the instant discussion cum assessment cum evaluation, the focus is on those in memory care homes. The primordial consideration in caring for memory loss patients in a care home setting is the ethical standards that sh

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Italian Hours Essay Example for Free

Italian Hours Essay Italian Hours, Henry James’s most acclaimed collection of travel stories written between 1882 and 1909, is a very interesting piece of travel literature. However, it does much more than a typical work in the genre would do, that is describing author’s experiences in a foreign, usually exotic, country. Instead, Italian Hours can be seen as an important document from a historical and anthropological perspective, since it catalogues living conditions, attitudes, customs and traditions of Italian people at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. There are other prominent examples of travel literature, such as Tocqueville’s Journey to America, which provide in-depth explorations of cultural idiosyncrasies and social organization of different societies; Italian Hours should be seen as one of the works in the latter category. James’s opinions on various matters are all more interesting for the reason that his perspective, as of an American writer and tourist, is â€Å"an embodiment of modernity by definition† (Manolescu-Oancea 2010, para. 1), while Italy is conventionally regarded to be a country that has entered the period of modernity later than other major European powers. In the subsequent paragraphs, a number of examples of the aforementioned will be presented. It is necessary to keep in mind that James’s work touches upon a wide variety of philosophical topics, which are all very intriguing yet unfortunately cannot be covered in this essay due to space constraints. This essay will focus primarily at James’s interpretation of social conditions, developments, and debates in Italy of the aforementioned period. The concluding section will briefly discuss the place of Italian Hours among other works of travel literature set in Italy. Along with describing natural beauties and historical sites of Italy, James devotes significant attention to analyzing people’s daily lives, which allows for a deduction about social structures that existed in Italy of those times. For instance, when describing Sienna, James (2008) talks of it as of a city that is still in the 14th century, with numerous and rich nobility that is â€Å"perfectly feudal and uplifted and separate† (p. 242). There is no middle class, or bourgeoisie; instead â€Å"immediately after the aristocracy come the poor people, who are very poor indeed† (James 2008, p. 42). A great divide between rich and poor has been very characteristic of Italy of the late 19th and early 20th century. The miserable situation of poorer Italians is exacerbated by the government that wields unreasonably high taxes. Upward social mobility is a rare phenomenon, and most Italians born outside of the upper classes were expecting a life of struggle and destitution . When recollecting his time in Venice, James writes that Italians’ â€Å"habitations are decayed; their taxes heavy; their pockets light; their opportunities few† (James 2008, p. 13). It is necessary to keep in mind that the unification of Italy occurred quite late in the 19th century. A lot of problems remained unresolved following the unification, ranging from economic deprivation to epidemics of fatal disease. Most researchers name â€Å"the huge material gulf between north and south† (p. 168) as one of the most pressing problems of the time: previously Austrian provinces of Lombardy and Venetia were more developed then southern provinces like Sicily. The following statistics give a fairly comprehensive picture of the level of economic development in the immediate aftermath of the unification: In 1870s the primary sector [agriculture, mining and forestry] accounted for 62 percent of total employment against less than 50 percent for France, Germany and the USA. For the UK the figure was only 22. 7 percent. Most of the industrial development was concentrated in very few areas, namely Lombardy, Piedmont and a few firms in the region of Naples† (Faini Venturini 1994, p. 74). Yet the disparities in life quality between different provinces of Italy are not salient in James’s writings. Keen on noticing regional differences, the author of Italian Hours speaks of Italian people as generally poor, although income gap becomes more and more extreme as one moves southwards. Poor economic conditions have resulted in mass emigration of Italians to other country, mostly to the United States, which seems particularly ironic in the context of James’s observations about Italy and America. James (2008) describes Italians as simple and unpretentious; he writes of them as of people that â€Å"have at once the good and the evil fortune to be conscious of few wants† (p. 3). However, early modernity has already associated sophistication with having a variety of needs that are hard to satisfy. In accordance with these criteria, Italians might come across as being less civilized than other peoples, although such view is definitely misguided. Enjoying simple pleasures can be a sign of wisdom and contemplative approach to life; although many of the pleasures Italian cities offer might seem to be â€Å"superficial pastimes† (James 2008, p. 14), they are no less pleasurable from it. Enjoying works by great masters of the past or magnificent nature are some of the activities Italians often indulge in. One of the issues that have been heatedly debated at the times of James’s travels was the question of whether to restore or preserve ancient ruins, and how to do it. In Italian Hours, the author presents his negative â€Å"assessment of the results of renovation in Italian cities and in his criticism of the intrusions of modernity in the cityscape† (Manolescu-Oancea 2010, para. 1). In his opinion, buildings should be seen as humans, having their own lifecycles and histories, and therefore mortal. Moreover, buildings have a unique ability to tell stories of people who have once inhabited them and sometimes even have to atone for their sins: â€Å"Houses not only look like ageing bodies, they also seem to be permeated with the life of their former inhabitants, which lends them a dark human aura, a psyche† (Manolescu-Oancea 2010, para. 6). As with cityspaces, natural landscapes for James are not â€Å"merely a picturesque backdrop for romantic adventure†¦[but are]†¦endowed with some of the richness of symbolic values inherited from great historical events† (Mariani 1964, p. 42). Since the richness of Italian history and nature are so impressive, James notes with regret that so many Italians live in poverty. On the other hand, he believes that being constantly surrounded by breathtaking beauty is a fair compensation; moreover, the peculiarly lighthearted approach to life Italians have helps them cope with daily problems. Although a lot of criticism of social reality of the late 19th century and early 20th century is present in James’s text, a comparison with his own country, America, is usually to the disadvantage of the latter. In Monte Mario outside Rome, James (2008) observes â€Å"the idle elegance and grace of Italy alone, the natural stamp of the land which has the singular privilege of making one love her unsanctified beauty all but as well as those features of one’s own country toward which nature’s small allowance doubles that of one’s own affection† (p. 166). In comparing American and Italian cuisine, the author recollects Grotta Ferrata, a rather insignificant and unkempt village, yet al fresco food for its fair â€Å"couldn’t fail to suggest romantic analogies to a pilgrim from the land of no cooks† (James 1995; cited in Collister 2004, p. 95). When James expresses dissatisfaction with new developments in the centre of Florence, he thinks of America again, fearful of the ancient city being disfigured â€Å"under the treatment of enterprising syndics, into an ungirdled organism of the type, as they viciously say, of Chicago† (James 2008, p. 257). Ev en in term of attitudes, James (2008) appreciates the fact that Italians are more down-to-earth and relaxed than his fellow men when he fears that a day may come when people â€Å"rush about Venice as furiously as people rush about New York† (p. 57). Thus, while modernity and speed become synonymous with the New World, James’s observations unmistakably point to â€Å"cultural wrong-headedness and impoverishment of the America† (Collister 2004, p. 196). At the same time, Italy is to James â€Å"literally picturesque real life composes itself into art at every turn† (Collister 2002, p. 340). Constant reminiscences of the New World serve several particular functions in James’s writing. First of all, it appears to be symbolic of his attempts to establish an emotional connection with his readers and – through his personal perspective – to help establish a connection between his readers and Italy. This device is frequently employed in travel literature: the reader can feel overwhelmed with descriptions of faraway places and strange cultures that bear no resemblance to their own; it is therefore the role of a writer to create a minimum level of comfort by recalling familiar places and phenomena. In such a way, readers can comprehend the mode of life in distant lands building on their own experience in their home countries. On the other hand, such reminiscences serve another purpose, as Manolescu-Oancea (2010) argues: James’s constant references to America and to his Americanness introduce a special kind of alienated perspective, both geographical and temporal, which is decidedly American in outlook† (para. 20). James’s fascination with Italy has been enduring, yet there were moments in his life when the writer has expressed a significant degree of dissatisfaction with living conditions there. Rome is the city that has come is for the most criticism in his private letters; in one of them he even writes the following: â€Å"I feel that I shouldnt care if I never saw the perverted place again† (James 1907; cited in Lubbock 2008, p. 2). This perhaps can be attributed to the fact that his brother, William, has contracted malaria while in Rome and had to move southwards to Florence to improve his health (Gale 1959). It is indeed interesting to observe how both James’s life and writings create a rather accurate account of what it was like to live in Italy at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. James’s Italian Hours is one among many other literary travelogues of Italy; Sterne’s Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy (1768) and Dick ens’ Pictures from Italy (1845) are perhaps the most known of them. What distinguishes Italian Hours, however, is that it â€Å"follows no chronology and even the geographical ordering – much dwelling upon Venice and a movement southwards as far as Naples with a return to Tuscany – is (unlike Goethe’s Italienische Reise) arbitrary† (Collister 2004, p. 194). At the same time, the peculiarity of the narrator’s style gives a powerful and overarching sense of organization to this seemingly odd collection of stories.